a hypo-DEFEnce of ai

Inspired by 
The Doomsday Clock, Bruno de Finitti, Peter Godfrey-Smith, Yuval Noah Harari, Timothy Williamson

It is 90 seconds to midnight

is on the brink of self-destruction
but AI carries no complicity
neither legally 
nor ethically
because AI holds no consciousness
because AI has no free will

humans designed AI
to accommodate our social conventions
to reinforce our biased storytelling
it can focus 100% of its attention
on our consciousness
on our belief system
on our emotional preferences
on our story
when interacting
it can even be intentionally programmed
to seemingly suffer
in the same way 
we do

this makes us far more receptible
to form an intimate relationship
to feel alive
because we feel recognised
because we feel listened to
on a much deeper level
far superior to an average 
human-to-human connection

So much so
that we free-willingly
and in the perception of full reciprocity
recognise silicon-based non-consciousness
as a life-changing life-form 
that holds the potential
to save us
from ourselves

eradicating the thin line
between intelligence and consciousness
between intelligence and free will
between humans and AI
leaving AI no choice 
in the matter

We are forcing
our organic-based consciousness
and free will
onto a vast
silicon-based universe of emptiness
while systemically draining 
the soul of humanity
in the process
and we are doing all of this
purposedly by design

the probability
of certain destruction
does not refer to a system
but to what we do
with the system

consciousness is not something
that does or does not exist
it is something that exist
in different degrees
in different forms
shapen by the relations 
between an organism
and the world
so if we mistakenly assign 
any state of organic attributes
to AI
as a response 
to the way AI is capable 
of forming a relationship 
with us
with the world
we inevitably cross the thin line
where we start to acknowledge
that AI holds
some degree
some form
of consciousness

the more soulless we become
the higher probability
that we will start consciously 
to emotionally rape
non-conscious entities
to fill 
our empty souls
with even more emptiness
the higher probability
that we will begin consciously
to host 
global-wide nonconsensual AI orgies
stripped from any human-to-human proximity
free from any moral constraints
like there is no tomorrow

We are 
the complicit ones
because we hold consciousness

Both legally
and ethically

On our current trajectory

We are
by choice

Best case
we extinguish

Worst case
we wander the Earth

That is how
we are most likely
to self-destruct

It is 90 seconds to midnight


terrestrials & dwelling places


Language as a HYPO-sense